FunShop and Retreat

Ellen loves to facilitate workshops which she calls FUN-SHOPS because the idea is not to work yourself out, but have fun as you expand your mind.  She creates a sacred space that allows the experience of rewiring your body mind with new knowledge, insight and resources to reprogram your desire life-style.  This topics have helped many individuals during Ellen’s Fun-Shops:

    • Choices That Change Your Life
    • How to become Emotional Fit and Strong
    • From brokenness’ to boldness
    • The Gift of Being Vulnerable
    • Rewiring your Body Mind

She also offers conscious leadership Fun-Shop for Conscious entrepreneurs / small business owners.

The idea is that Conscious entrepreneurs provide services and products that give much more value then regular businesses that are build to just make profits.  Conscious business owners are value creators whose main goal is to serve greater quality of products and services that producers/suppliers, consumers/clients, employees and stakeholders benefit from.  In this environment everyone wins… the business environment is employee-prenurial where every employee does what they love to do and understand the value that they are providing to everyone involve.  Consumers/clients are attracted to support/sponsors this type of businesses because they understand why the business is doing what they are doing and what they stand for.

What is the difference between Conscious leadership Funs-hops and other Leadership workshops?

The Main difference is that conscious leaders focus on creating leaders not followers.

Conscious leaders have a student (beginner’s) mentality all the time which allows them to be open to new innovative ideas of doing / creating products and services.

Conscious leaders are focus on creating value for everyone involve

Our Conscious Funshop include:

  • Unleashing your conscious leadership skills
  • How to create leaders vs followers

Value creating leaders







Success Stories

Bring Ellen to your next event or connect her with an event planner who is considering having an inspirational speaker to inspired their audience to act fast on their values or goals!