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This unique process supports and assists individuals and diverseprenuers (and small business owners) to find the answers within for their personal and professional challenges by using proven Spiritual and scientific laws that align emotions, mind and body to create the desire life-style.
A wholeistic coach is not a therapist or counselor who focus on studying / analyzing into emotional resolutions to past traumas / problems who follows industry protocol in order to move forward into the unveiling of your desired life-style. A Wholeistic coach will inspired you, support you and keep you accountable in every life endeavor (goals) that you are longing to shift and are setting yourself to thrive on
You click on this page and you are currently reading this…You are not achieving the success you know you are capable of having --- Or; You’re an accomplished, creative, conscious individual and you may have even spent years working on your personal and spiritual growth— yet, you still experiencing so much pain and confusion between what you sense for your life and your ability to manifest it. In spite of your best efforts and practices, the gap manifests as a sense that you’re not yet embodying your most authentic, radiant, conscious self. The relationships in your life are not supporting you in the ways that you need to flourish and thrive. You are fill with feelings of being under-recognized. You are feeling stressed, burned out, in transition, and challenged by one or more relationships. You are ready to explore what your true inner calling is and what might be preventing you to live life fully.. I invite you to contact me for a waive fee session to explore and co-create your unique authentic life.
Ellen focus on deep listening, reflecting back at you… your blind spots, which helps you unveil the most deep yearned answers to your problems. Ellen use a five step process that allows you to integrate the life transforming tools to your daily life starting from day one. This powerful process reveals with ease and grace what must be done in order to unroot non-supporting belief, and habits that are hindering your spiritual, emotional, financial and personal growth which affects every area of your life including business relationships.

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