

Bring Ellen

Let your audience be Empower, Inspire and moved to nurture and feed their fire as they discover how their belief system, and mind wiring is a direct reflection of their choices, decisions and actions — in totality – up to then.

Bring Ellen

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Wholeistic Coach

You are an individual or an entrepreneur who is seeking support in finding answers to your most intimate and inner quest of showing up authentically in the world through the work that you do or are inspired to do, yet you do not know how.

Wholeistic Coach

About Mindshifting

Congratulations you've made a decision that sets you apart from 99.9% of individuals who are sick and tired of being sick and tired of living an unsuccessful or Mediocre life; yet,most think that it can be done alone.  Just think about any successful athlete or business owner who has achieved any type of success… Believe it or not he/she didn't do it alone!  If you ask anyone of them you will find that they all have one thing in common; each has a coach for every area of their life that they wanted to change or be successful at.

Now, it's your opportunity to claim Your Success, to Thrive in your ideal Personal, and Professional life or business. You will also discover and release all that has stopped you from experiencing the life that deep within you — know you are here to experience.

Get in touch

First, I believe that You have the answers within to all of your challenges yet, you are seeking someone to help you see beyond your blind spots as we all have them no matter how good we think we are…. That is why coaches, mentors, gurus are so vital in each person's life… each one of us are here to 'help and teach each other' to thrive and re-create your greatest life experience.
How do we assist you in this process?   

We use a five step process that will inspire you and help you find the answers within yourself to all of your personal and professional life or business challenges.

Now, if this is your first time to reap the benefit of having a Wholeistic Coach,   let me assure you… You have come to the right place.  You are here to be supported in creating your greatest life ever.  I'm grateful and humble for choosing and trusting me to help You Find The Answers Within to what is paining you the most.

Some of the areas I can help you

We have a lot of way to learn for your choice.



Communication and Intimacy; Longing for New enriching intimate relationship, and Relationship with self


Re-creating / Re-igniting Yourself

Redesigning and Re-discovering; Resolving to Evolve (attain)


Personal growth

Accepting change and Expecting the greatest expression or yourself.



You are ready for a career change yet not sure how to jumpstart your journey into thriving in your search for the optimal employment.


Life transitions

Entrepreneurship, Careers, Divorce, Death, (any type of Grief and loss) Empty Nest...


Stress Managing and change

Be Inspired and live fearlessly

Are you a person with a deep desire, an urging to Find the Answer Within? Answers for personal and professional success? Be welcomed into our honored space to rebrand and be renewed as the fearless person  you were destined to be… How? Join  our Wholistic family of Coaching Sessions, Mastermind Groups, Retreats and  Fun-Shops designed for diversePrenuers.  Join  our  movement of diverseprenuers who with a   re-adjustment  awaken their inner power and  are inspired to manifest their Definite Life Purpose.  Imagine, a joyful THRIVING life filled with abundance, ease, and grace.       this should be the second slide with this image with this content.


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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the

We are here to help you if you let us help you